Sun salutation A, B & Half Standing

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In this class we are establishing the main blocks of the practice as we go through Sun Salutations and also cover half of the standing sequence of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
Please take the Ashtanga Yoga Foundations – Part 1, Ashtanga Yoga Foundations – Part 12 and Ashtanga essentials workshop for insights, support and learnings. Mastery of ashtanga yoga comes from repetition and it is important that we mindfully and gradually over time build up our practice with the proper techniques.
This video belongs to the series Ashtanga Yoga Essentials. Take part of the introduction series Ashtanga Yoga Foundations. To deepen your practice further, take part of Ashtanga Yoga Progression.
Om instruktören

Laruga Glaser är en av få i världen som är certifierade att undervisa ashtanga på avancerad B-nivå. Hon undervisar ur kärleken till vad yoga utvecklar hos varje individ, med utrymme att utmana och inspirera människor att förverkliga sin inneboende potential.