Ashtanga Yoga Foundations – part 2
Om den här sessionen
In the practice of Ashtanga vinyasa yoga we work with different segments and we start with sun salutations where we build up heat, strength and stamina in the body to implement the next steps of the practice. Sun Salutations give a sense of meditative flow and help us prepare for the continuance of the practice. For the first part of this workshop please see Ashtanga Yoga Foundations – part 1
We also go through closing postures which have the purpose of integrating, centering and grounding us. Laruga also walks you through the three last finishing postures and their purpose of developing a sense of integration that ground and center your energi to reach a state of calm.
For clarification and counting in Sanskrit, here follow the names and spelling:
One एकम् (ekam)
Two द्वे (dve)
Three त्रीणि (treeni)
Four चत्वारि (chatvaari)
Five पञ्च (pancha)
This video belongs to the series Ashtanga Yoga Foundations. This is for you who are new to Ashtanga yoga. You will be provided with an introduction to the practice and its foundations. To deepen your practice, take part of Ashtanga Yoga Essentials and Ashtanga Yoga Progression – these series will deepen your understanding of Ashtanga yoga, working from the inside out.
Om instruktören
Laruga Glaser är en av få i världen som är certifierade att undervisa ashtanga på avancerad B-nivå. Hon undervisar ur kärleken till vad yoga utvecklar hos varje individ, med utrymme att utmana och inspirera människor att förverkliga sin inneboende potential.