Ashtanga Yoga Foundations – part 1

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Om den här sessionen
This workshop sets the foundation for embarking on the Ashtanga journey. An introduction to how we move, concentrate and breathe in the classes. Look and participate as Laruga guides you through modifications and techniques via verbal and video instructions.
OBS: You will feel resistance in the body and that you cannot do all asanas. This is why we practice to transform and adapting to the mind and our physical body. The beauty of this practice is that we work through many layers of the mind and body over time for more stillness and calm. Connecting breath with movement creates a meditative movement that is very freeing for the mind and body. Vinyasa – breath-based movement or Breath inspiring movement.. This is a cornerstone in Ashtanga.
It is Larugas ambition to share Ashtanga with you and allow you to approach the practice on your own terms. We will take it in small bites and different steps to build up your practice together with Yogobe.
This video belongs to the series Ashtanga Yoga Foundations. This is for you who are new to Ashtanga yoga. You will be provided with an introduction to the practice and its foundations. To deepen your practice, take part of Ashtanga Yoga Essentials and Ashtanga Yoga Progression – these series will deepen your understanding of Ashtanga yoga, working from the inside out.
Om instruktören

Laruga Glaser är en av få i världen som är certifierade att undervisa ashtanga på avancerad B-nivå. Hon undervisar ur kärleken till vad yoga utvecklar hos varje individ, med utrymme att utmana och inspirera människor att förverkliga sin inneboende potential.