Stay with what is yin
Ulrica Norberg
Om den her sessionen
We often focus on the needs rather then the wants in our life and try to find resonance with who we are. Let this lunar mediative class help you explore a different state of mind, and finding comfort in what is. The class is based on the ISHTA approach and the individual aspects. Feel free to use any props that you might need to support your body in each pose.
ISHTA means that which resonates with the individual spirit in sanskrit. But it is also a yoga style, where it refers to Integrated Science of Hatha, Tantra, and Ayurveda. Learn more about ISHTA yoga.
Om instruktøren
Ulrica Norberg
Ulrica är en av Sveriges pionjärer inom yoga och har skrivit flertalet böcker och artiklar både i Sverige och utomlands. Ulrica har även utbildat över 500 yogalärare i Skandinavien.