Sleep well
Om sessionen
Kroppsdelar & Behov
Om den her sessionen
A therapeutic yoga sequence which can help you calm down the body and the mind at the end of the day. You will be guided through both breathing exercises as well as movements that will prepare you for bed. Try to practice the sequence regularly as it can take a few weeks before you will start to feel the effects and become familiar with the postures and the relaxation techniques.
It is recommended that you are prepared for bed before starting this class - such as having brushed your teeth and put on your pyjamas.
This class is a part of Prison Yoga Project.
Om instruktøren
Josefin Wikström har många års erfarenhet av att arbeta med barn och vuxna som genomgått trauma. Hon har varit en av huvudlärarna vid Kriminalvårdens yogainspiratörsutbildningar från start occg är utbildad vid The Trauma centre i Boston USA under ledning av Bessel van der Kolk M.D som är en ledande auktoritet inom traumaforskning.