Authentic Flow

Explore authenticity in movement

Authentic Flow is an intuitive, embodied and explorative yoga and somatic class. In Authentic Flow you get to listen with more than you ears, in fact your whole being. Everything in our bodies have a mind of their own. So, everything can feel, and we can feel everything.

With this in mind you are guided through the landscapes of embodied asana, somatisation, free and intuitive movement, self-exploration and classical non-dual Tantra. Through body-mind centering, creative soundscape and language you get to explore the multidimensional capacities for healing by listening and sensing with the whole body-mind.

An Authentic Flow class often also includes mantra, pranayama, touch, creative sequencing, Tantric philosophy and elemental work.

Authentic Flow online

In the video library here at Yogobe you'll find several Authentic Flow classes. If you wish to explore more you'll also find Embodied Flow™ classes, a yoga form that has a lot in common with Authentic Flow. 

Why practice Authentic Flow?

Authentic Flow is the practice where we move from a place of less perfection and more authenticity! You are given the space and time to truly listen and allow yourself to experience and open up to the full capacity of you. It is a practice for you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself by honouring the uniqueness of you and how to harness it to live more authentically and wholeheartedly.

Who can practice Authentic Flow?

Authentic Flow invites any person and teacher with a curious mind that loves to move and be moved.

Keep in mind

Authentic Flow always encourages the student to listen to their own needs and practice in a safe manner aligned with any injuries or diseases.


Authentic Flow was first created by Satu Tuomela, an internationally highly regarded senior yoga teacher with a beautiful energy and deep knowledge. In the video library you'll find all of Satus classes in English and Finnish. 

”Explore authenticity in movement”

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Videos with focus on authentic flow

60 min
Heart-breakthrough – tantra yoga
A tantra yoga class were you'll be focusing on chest openings and loosing up old knots.
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Brooke Elliston, 60 min
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10 min
Release energy
Cultivate energy by moving the body in sideways movement in a playful moving meditation.
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Amir Jaan, 10 min
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10 min
Earth quake shake
Shake off and release hidden emotions in a playful breathing meditation.
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Amir Jaan, 10 min
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