yoga and wellness videos online

Get the most out of your workout by combining your classes at the studio or gym with practicing yoga and working out at home. Here are practical tips and inspiration to get started with your workout. Any time, anywhere. 

Yoga & wellness exercises

There are many reasons why we don't get away to the gym or yoga studio as often as we'd like. Long days at work, having to commute to get there, not finding a babysitter, lacking the discipline or the easy reason that we don't always feel like working out in a group. With Yogobe you can easily PRESS PLAY at home, in the office or when traveling. Take it baby steps and soon practicing yoga, meditating and working out will be an important part of your daily routine. 

Create good habits

The whole idea of working out online is amazing. The challenge is to get started and later, also to maintain a routine. To create a new habit it is important that you have realistic expectations on yourself and how much time you have in a week. Set realistic expectations. Don't compete with yourself or compare yourself to others.  A few moments of yoga every day is better than one longer class once a week. Just by showing up on the mat, if only for a few conscious breaths, you are achieving great things. Step by step, you will create a routine without even thinking about it. Every day it will get easier to keep up the good habit which started by you just placing your feet on the mat.

Make it work for you

Ask yourself WHY you chose to become a Yogobe member and choose one or a few tutorials which meet your need. Perhaps start with our "Get started" section in the video library, or the feature "Quickstart". In the beginning it is not important what you do or how well you do, but rather, that you just show up to this date with yourself. Scheduling your classes, marking them as favorites or creating playlists where you collect selected videos will help you out!


Get started with Yogobe

  1. If you are not already a Yogobe member, start with creating your account and get the first 7 days for free with no binding period.
  2. After joining the Yogobe community, we recommend you start with the introduction videos in the "Get started" section of the video library or with the tutorials we have recommended specifically for you under "Favorites". A page you will have access to once you are logged in. Remember to listen to your body when it is tired or in pain.
  3. Watch a video, or three.
  4. Listen, observe, and follow your own breath.
  5. Roll out the yoga mat and try to follow the moves.
  6. To fully understand the activity, repeat the sequence a few times. It will gradually become easier and more fun. As you most likely are on your own, remember that you can pause and rewind as many times as you need.


“För ett par år sedan önskade jag att det fanns en online-baserad mötesplats och tjänst där jag tryggt och tillgängligt kunde få upptäcka och utforska yoga helt på mina egna villkor., både som träningsredskap och som förhållningssätt i en hektisk vardag. Då fanns ingenstans att vända sig. Idag finns YOGOBE. Jag loggar in en eller ett par gånger i veckan för vägledda klasser som komplement till den träning som jag gör med min sjukgymnast.” - Peter Munteanu, VD och grundare av Yogobe.

Har du rätt fokus när du yogar hemma?
Det är enkelt att börja yoga hemma
Så här använder jag Yogobe hemma!
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Videos with focus on yoga and wellness videos online

15 min
Explore your lungs – breathing exercise
Get to know your lungs and their potential through the breath.
15 min
Slow down & open up – yoga break
Easy movements for luxurious break on your yoga mat.
20 min
Neck & shoulder flow
Release tension for more flexible stretches and twists.

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