Yogobe for yoga Teachers

Inspiration and knowledge to deepen your practice

Are you looking for support and inspiration in your work as a yoga teacher? As a member of Yogobe you have access to more than 1500 videos with 65 leading yoga, meditation and health experts speaking Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and English.

Classes for yoga teachers

We have created videos with recommendations and guidance especially for yoga teachers. These sequences demonstrates how you can assist your students in different asanas. These videos are found within the video library category ”Yogalärar tips”

Our community

As a Yogobe member you also become part of our community. Our facebook group BEYOGA365 is a platform for inspiration and support. The group enables you to connect with other yoga enthusiasts, share knowledge and get answers any questions you might have. You are also very welcome to inspire and share your passion for yoga in this Facebook group and forum.


Our newsletters are filled with inspiration and information to help you stay up to date with all the latest news

Läs mer om YOGOBE FÖRETAG här.

Online courses for Yoga teachers

Deepen your practice with the help of our online courses for Yoga teachers:

  • Yogans anatomi – Hillevi Borga (SWE) A unique course developed by Hillevi Borga, a physiotherapist with extensive experience of teaching anatomy as part Yoga Teacher Trainings.
  • Yoga Philosophy – Simon Krohn (ENG) Dive deep into the Yoga Philosophy with the help of Simon Krohn. Simon will also guide you through yoga sequences to ensure this becomes an experience for both the body and mind.
  • Yoga Sekvensering – Milla Floryd (SWE) This course teaches you how to build up a sequence to become more confident in your role as a yoga teacher. The course increases your knowledge to effectively be able to develop your own classes and guide others.
  • Lär dig meditera - Ulrika Norberg (SWE) This course helps you to create a foundation for your own meditation practice and combines lectures with both asana and meditation exercises
  • The art of breathing - Ulrika Norberg.(ENG) This course teaches you the foundation of yogic breathing - Pranayama. The course length is 10 weeks long and in english.

Yoga teachers who have integrated our digital courses into their own teacher trainings have received very positive feedback from their students who appreciate the online/offline integration and learning experience.

Social media

Please feel free to use our hashtags #YOGOBE och #BEYOGA365 in your own channels so we easily can follow you.. We look forward to seeing you, on and off the mat!

Följ Yogobe på Instagram!

”The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.”

What is my path cultivating?
Gör din yoga mer personlig – vecka 1 av 4
Yoga is not important
I huvudet på en yogalärare: Kroppsnjutning

Videos with focus on yogobe for yoga teachers

30 min
Yin Yoga – Stress Relief (EN)
Let your body and mind soften to let go of stress, anxiety and spinning thoughts.
45 min
Yin Yoga – Stillness Within (EN)
Get out of your head, into your body and find stillness within.
45 min
Yinyasa – Yin meets Vinyasa (EN)
Soften your body and calm your mind with this sweet mix of Yin and Vinyasa yoga.

Watch more videos