Explore Ashtanga yoga online with Laruga Glaser

04 april 2021 | Av
Laruga Glaser

As a teacher I want to give students the skills to inhabit themselves fully. To make them trust the wisdom that we all have inside of us. Join me on the mat exploring Ashtanga yoga online here at Yogobe.

Ashtanga yoga – a practice where you can explore and grow

I am really passionate about human development, and entering into that new dawn, exploring what the truth is. This has guided me into the practice of yoga, especially Ashtanga yoga. I've been practicing ashtanga yoga for 25 years and I always say that Ashtanga yoga was the best decision I ever made for myself and happy to share with others. Teaching is just an extension of my own practice, my sadhana – that consistant journey of uncovering the truth of who I am. I love to explore the sense of empowerment and connection with all the students that cross my path.

When I am teaching, I'm exploring too and love the sense of giving students the skills and the true beauty of what yoga develops in each human being. I find it to be my duty to give students the skills to make that connection, the skills to inhabit themselves fully, to trust the wisdom that they have inside of them.

One of the true rewards of a longterm yoga practice is to trust that inner guidance and yoga is really about clearing that path. As a teacher I just facilitate that energy. Because everyone has the ability to obtain a connection to that higher self and also to heal old wounds. I try to help to clear that path and to facilitate a space to explore, to learn and also to grow.

I am here to take you through the Ashtanga yoga practice, and I feel it's my purpose to share the development with people who are open to explore the nature of yoga. It will be fun! Expect growth, transformation and to work outside your comfort zone where I will support and guide you along the way.

What is Ashtanga yoga?

For those of you who are new to the embarking of the Ashtanga yoga practice, Ahtanga yoga is a method of practice, with six set sequences. This particular practice was spread throughout the world by the late teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. We memorize this sequence of poses to actually be able to create the sense of moving meditation.

Ashtanga yoga has a way of cultivating strength to the physical body, we become more flexible, we become healthier as well in our physical body. But the beauty of it is that we also become more confident, we feel more centered in ourselves, we obtain and connect to this greater sense of peace within ourselves. It doesn't necessarily mean it will make life easy, but this type of practice gives us the skills to navigate through life more fully.

Learn Ashtanga yoga online with Laruga at Yogobe

We have created three different playlists that are adapted to different levels of knowledge, which is based on the first series in Ashtanga - Primary Series. Each playlist starts with an introductory workshop and also includes lectures, hands-on classes and tutorial videos.

  • Ashtanga Yoga Foundations – this playlist is for you who is new to ashtanga which will provide you with an introduction to the practice and it's foundations.
  • Ashtanga Yoga Essentials – these classes will deepen your understanding of Ashtanga yoga, working from the inside out.
  • Ashtanga Yoga Progression – Laruga ties everything together and guides you through the full primary series.

Read more about Ashtanga and the good habits of yoga

Video recommendations – Ashtanga yoga online with Laruga Glaser

video id: f2z3

video id: 4r7f

video id: b92e

video id: k8a3

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Laruga Glaser

Laruga Glaser är en av få i världen som är certifierade att undervisa ashtanga på avancerad B-nivå. Hon undervisar ur kärleken till vad yoga utvecklar hos varje individ, med utrymme att utmana och inspirera människor att förverkliga sin inneboende potential.
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