Prenatal pilates – upper body
Om den her sessionen
A strong and flexible upper body will help you maintain a good posture and also help you to carry your baby after giving birth. This class focuses on shoulder stability, your chest and back. You will be seated the whole class and use a flexband as extra resistance to keep a stable, strong body when doing your workout.
Always listen to your body and choose the best options for you and your body. No previous experience from pilates is needed. You can use a chair or something to sit on, and maybe a pillow if you like.
Om instruktøren
Emma kommer ursprungligen från Arizona, USA, nu bor hon i Göteborg och undervisar i pilates på Pilates Complete där hon håller roliga och lättsamma klasser. Pilates är Emmas passion – hon älskar att lära sig och utveckla sin praktik.