What is Ishta yoga?

14 januari 2015 | Av Yogobe

Technically Ishta yoga has a two-fault meaning, integrated science of hatha, tantra and ayurveda. So it integrates the system of balancing the energies in your body and your nervous-system which is hatha yoga, physical practice of yoga. The Ishta yin yoga teacher Sarah Finger tells us the philosophy and practice of Ishta yoga.

Can you tell us more about Ishta yoga?
Tantra is this non-dualistic approach of bringing consciousness and seeing consciousness in everything and in every being and living your life to the fullest potential. Auyrveda which is traditional Indian science of life about finding balance of the elements that exists outside of us and that exist within us and marrying those two balances within and without. Then Ishta also comes from the yogasutra “svarajaja Ishta devata sempra yogaha...” which means when you study yourself, when you know yourself completely you find the Ishta devata which is also like an archetype or traditionally translated as a daite but we like to say it's symbolic of finding that which resonates with your individual spirit so we find the path that works, that is your calling. So through the practice of Ishta people often hear their calling more and that’s how I have kind of distilled it down even though we have a more technical textbook definition for what Ishta is. But also Ishta is an integration of the asanas, pranayama/breath, technique, meditation and crea which is the science of pure find consciusness.

What differs Ishta yoga from other yoga styles?
Within Ishta there is many different types of styles of practice. You can have a more strong vinyasa flow class. You can have an Ishta yin class, restorative class, meditation class but I think over all, what people sense and feel that is different about Ishta from other schools is that there is this very tantric approach of the endgoal being that you nourish back to who you really are. So however you get there, wether it's through a vigorous practice or a more gentle restorative practice there is no right or wrong way to do it. We're trying free ourselves from that thinking of that dualistic approach. Should's and shouldn'ts, goods and bads, rights and wrongs, it's more like you find the path that suits you, you find the best essens of yourself, and you enhance that through your yoga, through your practice. So I think that's a different style of Ishta teachers.

Can you find Ishta yoga in other countries?
There is definitely a presence in Scandinavia. As you know in Stockholm with Ulrica, London with Katrina Repka, there is presence in Japan through Kumiko Mack, you have Germany, Munich, Berlin, Australia, South Africa but it's in pockets and really that is because Ishta is a lineage, it's a practice that has been handed on from teacher to taught. A lot of it is really about the presence of an Ishta teacher there in the community that they formed around their teaching.

Do you think that the way you teach (Ishta style) will become more common?
I hope so because I think that because Ishta comes from Alan who (the founder and figure head of Ishta) was lucky enough to study with these Indian swamis in South Africa 50 years ago and later. There are a lot of techniques and lot of authenticity I think in the Ishta system and in what we are teaching and in what we are sharing. And it is a sharing, we are sharing that with people and offering these tools for people to empower themselves with. So I hope that more people teach that way because I think that the difference between Ishta and a lot of other schools are that we are saying that it is within you actually. The experience, the wisdom, the knowledge, the joy. You don't have to follow us, you don't have to believe in anything or act a certain way or dress a certain way or eat a certain way or chant a certain way to really a non-dogmatic approach to experiencing science of your spirit and that is really cool because I think a lot of schools don't see it as a scientific approach.

5 recommended Istha yoga Videos on Yogobe:
Ulrica Norberg explains what Ishta yoga is, 15 min (svenska)
Do a 60-minute video with Sarah for energy, strength and flexibility
This 30-minute video with Sarah works on your hips and hamstrings
Release tension in neck and shoulders with Sarah in this 20-minute video
The founder Alan Finger teaches meditation, 45 min

More reading:
Our Marketing yogi Camilla Bengtsson's interview with Sarah in New York


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