Pilates Workout – learn the basics

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Om den här sessionen
Learn about the five basic principles in pilates – breathing, neutral pelvis/imprint, rib cage placement, head and neck placement and shoulder placement. Emma will guide you through each and every one of them, giving you examples and instructions, so you can get to know the principles in your body and train properly without risk of injury and to have the most benefits from your training.
You can use this workshop on the basic principles as a warm up for workouts and as an introduction to pilates if you are new to the training. If you have trained pilates before it can be a nice reminder of the details that will affect your training.
To take part of all the classes in this series, check out the playlist
Pilates Workout Series
Please note: This video is temporary published with a lower quality of sound and light.
Om instruktören

Emma kommer ursprungligen från Arizona, USA, nu bor hon i Göteborg och undervisar i pilates på Pilates Complete där hon håller roliga och lättsamma klasser. Pilates är Emmas passion – hon älskar att lära sig och utveckla sin praktik.