The recovery breath
Om sessionen
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Om den här sessionen
Calm down the rhythm of your breathing with a deep-breathing meditation to recover the breath. A practical tool to use in your everyday life when you experience shortness of breath, perhaps incorporated in fitness training or when going through a stressful day. During the breathing meditation, you will use a hand mudra (hand gesture) to create a feeling of stability. Continue with the meditation as many rounds as feels comfortable.
This practice is recommended for those who have some experience with breathing practices. If you are new to this, be mindful and listen to yourself.
Before you practice, take part of the introduction to the recovery breath.
Om instruktören
Amir är klassiskt utbildad i Kundaliniyogans andliga konst och har utövat yoga i nästan två decennier. Efter att ha undervisat mer än 30 000 offentliga och privata klasser i London och över hela världen, tillför Amir ett tryggt lugn till alla inlärningsmiljöer, vare sig det är grupp- eller individuell undervisning.