Pilates for racket sports
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Om den här sessionen
This workout focuses on mobility and strength for arms and upper body and can help you develop, maintain and improve your performance in racket sports. It can be used as a warm up or as a prehab workout on its own. You can use weight balls, water bottles or your racket but it's not necessary. Emma will guide you trough rotations, twists and upper body strength. The majority of the class in standing up.
If you like to get stronger forearms, take care of your wrists, elbows and shoulders this is something for you.
This class is a part of the Pilates athlete series by Pilates Complete.
Om instruktören
Emma kommer ursprungligen från Arizona, USA, nu bor hon i Göteborg och undervisar i pilates på Pilates Complete där hon håller roliga och lättsamma klasser. Pilates är Emmas passion – hon älskar att lära sig och utveckla sin praktik.