Slow zone - Ta semester från semestern

Skapad av Yogobe

20 min (3 Videor)

Upplev zlow zone tillsammans med NLTG & Yogobe. Här är en plats där du kan få en stund åt eftertanke och ökad känsla av semester. Upplev någonting att ta med dig hem.

Calm your mind meditation

10 min

A breathing meditation to practice when you want to calm down the nervous system – when you feel disoriented and not sure about the emotional and physical terrain. You will be guided by Amir in a simple and slow breathing pattern during the meditation.

You will shape a hand mudra (hand gesture) the hand floating in front of your heart. You will then connect this to the breath and repeat the synchronized hand-breath-movement a few times. The meditation is designed to bring the body and mind back into a very calm and fully present state of being.

It's recommended to have some experience with breathing practices. If you are new to this, be mindful and listen to yourself.

Calm your mind meditation

A breathing meditation to practice when you want to calm down the nervous system – when you feel disoriented and not sure about the emotional and physical terrain. You will be guided by Amir in a simple and slow breathing pattern during the meditation.

You will shape a hand mudra (hand gesture) the hand floating in front of your heart. You will then connect this to the breath and repeat the synchronized hand-breath-movement a few times. The meditation is designed to bring the body and mind back into a very calm and fully present state of being.

It's recommended to have some experience with breathing practices. If you are new to this, be mindful and listen to yourself.

10 min

Calm your mind meditation

When you don’t know what to do – be guided back home to yourself when feeling overwhelmed.

5 min

Mental återhämtningspaus

En kort övning att återkomma till för att sänka stress och återhämta dig mentalt.

5 min

Växelvis andning

Nadi shodhana, växelvis andning, är en traditionell och populär andningsteknik som lugnar sinnet.

10 min

Calm your mind meditation

When you don’t know what to do – be guided back home to yourself when feeling overwhelmed.

5 min

Mental återhämtningspaus

En kort övning att återkomma till för att sänka stress och återhämta dig mentalt.

5 min

Växelvis andning

Nadi shodhana, växelvis andning, är en traditionell och populär andningsteknik som lugnar sinnet.