Om sessionen

Workshop60 MINSpråk på sessionen
Masterclass: VinyasaEveryone

Masterclass: Kutaka Flow (gratis för alla medlemmar)

Kutuka means curiosity in sanskrit and is said to be the foundation for reaching higher prana balance in mind and spirit. Welcome to an inquiry-based flowclass with Ulrica Norberg.

This is a masterclass with Ulrica Norberg - where she invites you to explore your curious mind through Vinyasa yoga, meditation and breathwork. 
This class suits especially those of you who practice yoga - all levels: beginner, intermediate or advanced. 

On the 26th of October, we will release a new series on Yogobe with Ulrica - where she explored how developing curiosity can stimulate intelligence and personal development. 


How to get access to the LIVE session?
  • Book your spot (see button above)
  • Once your have completed your registration of the event you will receive an email including the link to the class, more details, where you can find your booked classes in your profile and where to find your receipt. 

Relevant links:

Datum & tid för sessionen

Sista möjlighet för att boka: 01 december 2021 at 17:45 GMT+00:00

onsdag 01 december 2021 18:00 - 19:00 GMT+0


  • Yoga and stretch strap
  • Blanket
  • Yoga mat

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