I just got back from a great yoga festival this weekend (Nordic AcroYoga Festival in southern Sweden), happy, excited about yoga and exhausted! Many of you may have plans to attend a yoga festival or conference this summer and I wish to share some of my observances and tips with you.
I want to do everything!!!
One of the great things about yoga festivals are the number of classes and workshops that you can attend. You can experience all kinds of teachers and different styles of yoga that you may never have even heard of before. In fact, you may get anxious from the great variety choices and frustrated (like I do) that you cannot possibly try them all. It’s good to keep in mind that many styles of yoga are represented at most festivals, and that well known teachers also come to one of more each year. If you don’t get to the class you want this time around, you will next time.
I should have yined when I yanged
On my first day of the festival last weekend I went to every high energy class & workshop I could fit in. While I am used to strong workouts, my body clearly was not used to six and a half hours of them! I ended up feeling like someone who has never jogged before starting their training by running a marathon. I should have ended my day with the thai-massage workshop offered to counterbalance my active morning and afternoon. Listen to what your body needs. That restorative class might be a better choice. Try watching a workshop instead of participating. Even just go for a walk or take a relaxing nap.
You practice what? How cool!
Probably my favourite aspect of festivals is meeting all kinds of interesting people and hearing about what yoga is to them. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other yoga practitioners and learn how yoga works in their lives. I had some really interesting discussions this past weekend about practices very different from mine. Not only am I encouraged that the diversity of yoga has something for everyone, I am also inspired to deepen my own practice.
Festivals and conferences are inspiring events to participate in and lots of fun to boot. I hope you have the opportunity this summer to attend one or more and really enjoy the experience. Please share your stories with us! What are your tips about yoga festivals? Which ones are you going to?
A Sample of Yoga Festivals for Summer 2014
Barcelona Yoga Conference - July 3-7, Spain
Yoga Festival Berlin - July 4-6, Germany
Ängsbacka Yoga Festival - July 12-18, Sweden
Estonia Yoga Festival - July 26-27, Estonia
Devon Yoga Festival - August 1-3, England
Navanadi Yoga Festival - August 22-24, Belgium