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Workshop90 MINSprĂĄk pĂĄ sessionen
Workshop: BreathworkFör alla

Workshop: Caretaking the Nervous System

During this class we will explore ways in which to caretake the nervous system through a variety of self-regulating techniques.

In the same way that our bodies need to stay hydrated, use the bathroom, eat nutrient rich food and sleep, our nervous systems need an occasional pause and reset, so we don’t completely burn ourselves out. Often times we can feel exhausted because our nervous system is exhausted, it isn’t built for the information overload and never-ending, low-level panic of the world we live in today. 
We need the fluid back and forth rhythm of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system (we’ll explore these two branches as well) working together to feel balanced and regulated in our bodies and minds. 
These resets aren’t luxuries. They’re essential. 

Techniques we’ll explore will include: 

  • breathing exercises
  • tools to help you land into and explore your internal landscapes — also known as “interoception” which a lesser-known sense that helps you to explore and feel what's going on inside your body
  • self soothing exercises
All you’ll need for this class is a comfortable, uninterrupted space to sit and or lie down. The body might fluctuate in temperature while exploring these techniques so having layers or blankets in case you need more warmth is encouraged. 



Var hittar jag denna klass efter att jag bokat?
Andra relevanta länkar:
- Spana in andra klasser frĂĄn videobiblioteket som fokuserar pĂĄ andningen

Datum & tid för sessionen

Sista möjlighet för att boka: 27 april 2022 at 16:45 GMT+00:00

onsdag 27 april 2022 17:00 - 18:30 GMT+0


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