Back to basics med Matthew Griffiths

11 februari 2016 | Av Yogobe

På Yoga Games i Stockholm nu till helgen, den 12-14 februari, möter du ett helt gäng av yogalärare och tränare från Team Yogobe. En av dem är personliga tränaren Matthew Griffiths som kommer föreläsa om hur du kan må som bäst genom att gå till grunden, back to basics! Vi på Yogobe har intervjuat Matthew om hans syn på träning, yoga och varför vi mår bra av en varierad träning.

What is your approach in exercising? What is important for you?
My approach is simple, it is to develop people's natural movement patterns! Movements such as standing, running, climbing, jumping, lunging, reaching to name just a few. These are all bio-printed within each of us. Just look at young children playing, they mirror authentic movement, we know that these authentic movements are driven subconsciously by play and incentives. I believe if we can install these patterns, then you will have a better functioning body. Conditioning individuals to have greater fluid movement dynamics will allow for an efficient cross over effect on a board spectrum in sports and life. I have wired a fusion of different forms and movement systems together such as Yoga, Pilates, 3D functional training, outdoor sports and mindfulness to build a united system that will give the individual freedom to explore their physical potential with more fluidity and efficiency.
How can yogis benefit from other training than yoga?
The body loves variety and adaptability, quoting the neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert, the brain involved not to think or feel but to control movement. Movement genres enhance each other, just like a nutritious diet, a mix of different food stuffs create a better diet. Yogis could defiantly benefit from integrating a variety of different training forms into their yoga practice. Adding cardio, movement practice, 3D functional training and running can all help benefit yogis prevent injuries and strengthen their overall practice.  
What is your view on yoga?
Yoga is bad ass. It is one of the only movement forms that everyone can do, from the professional athlete to a child. Its universality is its charm!
What can we expect from your lecture at Yoga Games?
You can expect to see a whirlwind of facts and stories with a meaningful application that can seriously make a difference to your wellness.
Who is the lecture for?

The lecture is about lifestyle concept. It is for anybody and everybody, as everyone in the end is a human. We all have similar needs when it comes to health and vitality. The lecture is about the basics of good living and as we say the basics are the basics and you can never replace the basics!






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