5 yoga poses to relieve cold & congestion

19 november 2013 | Av Yogobe

Det råder förkylningstider vilket gör att man bör undvika att träna och yoga. Dock finns det en del yogapositioner som faktiskt kan lindra din förkylning, som du kan testa lite försiktigt där hemma. Följande inlägg är på engelska och här tipsar vi om fem positioner som kan hjälpa dig genom din förkylning.

When your head is aching from sinus congestion and your nose is plugged up, going to yoga class is probably not the best option. Rather than completely neglecting your yoga practice, optimized for a minisequence at home to open up your chest and improve your circulation.

If you are looking for a little more of a workout, simply complete a few rounds of Sun Salutations between each congestion-soothing posture.

Bridge Pose:  Bridge posture is a mild yet effective way to open your chest, in addition to sending fresh blood to your head.

Camel Pose: Camel will open up your back and chest even further while clearing out your passageways. If you can’t reach the heels of your feet or it’s too intense, then place your hands on your lower back, fingers pointing down, and bend back until you feel the stretch. If not completed properly, this pose can be very strenuous on your back, so don’t overexert yourself.

Plow Pose: Plow Pose is considered therapeutic for sinusitis, but this pose might feel uncomfortable if your back or hamstrings are really tight. If so, you can always bend your knees and place them next to your ears as a variation.

Bow Pose: Bow Pose stretches your neck, chest, stomach, and back. Opening your neck and chest will lead to better breathing. This pose is great for relaxation, as well, if you are feeling restless and unable to sleep due to your cold symptoms. This pose creates a lot of tension, which, when released, will make you feel ready to enter a deep slumber.

Headstand: Headstand is one of the most difficult yoga postures, yet it is incredibly energizing and detoxing to let stagnant blood rush from your toes, filter through your heart, and drain into your head.

Source: Yoganonymous 


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