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Yoga, training and health inspiration for you

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Meditation as a tool for improving mental health

13 marraskuuta 2022 | Av
Anna-Mari Pentikäinen

Do you know that mindfulness and meditation can have positive effects on our mental health? And that we can alter our mood with meditation? Meditation also teaches us something profound that can be very transformative and shift our way of being.

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Recipe: Creamy tomato with lemongrass & lime leaves

21 elokuuta 2022 | Av

This soup has quite a few flavours in common with a Thai red curry, yet it stays mild and doesn’t go ‘all the way’. It is a great soup for a lazy day, as you can put this soup on the table in less than 25 minutes. It is an all-round, affordable and loved by all recipe, and therefore very suitable to make for large groups.

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