Do you wish you had more energy? Are you having trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night or wish you could stop overthinking in the evenings? This is the last part of a months journey with yoga teacher Amanda Holmström, where she has been sharing her best tips and guidance for better sleep and ways to recharge.
How is it going? I hope you have started to experience some effects from your new routines! Remember that a little is better than nothing, and that a three times a week effort (or in this case, letting go of effort!) is better than nothing.
Most importantly, maybe you have begun to reflect over what works for you and what might not, creating a bedtime routine that is right for you is the most important thing and the following six steps are a general guideline which you are free to experiment with.
- Set a time for yourself when you wish to be in bed
- Detox from electronics one hour pre bedtime (at the latest 10pm)
- 3 minutes conscious breathing
- 5 minutes yoga (or more!)
- 8 hours of rest
- Let go
Even though there seems to be something magical about getting 8 hours of sleep, don’t let the hours of sleep turn against you. If you’re having trouble falling asleep see if you can let go of checking the watch and counting how many hours until you have to get up. Instead, see if you can take a different approach, even though your mind might be awake you can still allow the body to rest and try to enjoy lying in bed not having to do anything.
Let go.
That’s right, you don’t have to do anything, no planning or problem solving needs to be done at 2 am. There’s usually nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow morning and worrying is never the answer. If you have a lot of thoughts in your head that you can’t seem to get rid of, try writing them down to empty the head.
Make a commitment to let go of the day when you lie down in bed. When I turn off the light I consciously let go of the day by going through the day in my mind from the moment I woke up in the morning until now. I begin to cultivate a feeling of gratitude for all the good things and circumstances that have happened. You can cultivate this feeling of gratitude towards anything from having an energizing cup of coffee, something someone said, that the sun was shining on your way to work this morning or the challenges that help you grow. See if you can find something to thank yourself for doing as well, something to be proud of.
And remember, right now everything is good, everything is okay.
Thank you for joining me on this challenge to recharge this month,
Sweet dreams and namastay in bed!
- Viparita Karani Mudra – Kaisa Kärkkäinen
- Ujjayi - syvä kurkkuhengitys – Satu Tuomela
- Nadi Shodana - hengitysharjoitus joka puhdistaa nadeja ja rauhoittaa mieltäsi – Satu Tuomela
- Calming and Grounding Yoga Nidra Practice – Mona Anand
- Fall asleep Yoga Nidra practice – Mona Anand
- Rentouttuva hyvän yön yin – Kaisa Kärkkäinen