How to build your endurance
What exactly is endurance and what does it mean for your body? Endurance and cardio training are connected to different systems in the body, and we train them in different ways – keep up when I sort out the concepts!
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Are you based in Sweden? Use your wellness contribution / friskvårdsbidrag before New Years Eve!
What exactly is endurance and what does it mean for your body? Endurance and cardio training are connected to different systems in the body, and we train them in different ways – keep up when I sort out the concepts!
Do you think about the past and the future, more often than being here and now in the present moment? You are not alone! This is how our brains are evolutionarily created. But to be happier, we also need to be more present. Therefore, I will give you five tips on how you can become more present in your everyday life!
How do you stay alert and happy during the dark season? The American psychology researcher Kari Leibowitz traveled to Tromsø in northern Norway to find out how they could be so brisk and not particularly low on energy at all. Here are her best tips!
November has a lot to give at Yogobe! All of the courses are on 50 % sale and we have a lot to read about in the blog!
The app has a lot of new updates that make your usage easier and smarter – curious about what we've done? Read more here!
Interested in pilates that encourage and challenge you? With joy and strenght, Emma Cowan teaches all-levels practitioners. Learn more about Emma and her pilates classes on Yogobe here!
Have you also wondered how people do to get their lives together? Health, relationships, work, finances and free-time that you enjoy? During October, we have gathered wisdom and life hacks that simplify your everyday life and give you more time for what makes you feel good!
There is a fresh start over September. How do you create habits that makes you feel good - without being so strict that it steals your joy? Here we give you tips on sustainable, nourishing routines to look forward to this autumn!
Power yoga is a dynamic form of yoga that focuses on strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. It was developed in the USA in the 80's with inspiration from ashtanga and vinyasa yoga. A sweaty yoga form that gives the body a real workout and sharpens your focus.
Here are some tips to make the rest of your summer active and joyful. You also get a quick workout that you can do virtually anywhere. There are no pointers here – you should do what you want to do, what gives you energy. Think joy rather than achievement!
Is there a trick that is as effective for health as vacationing? The psychologists in an American-Dutch research team believe that meditation can be that.
Unwind in everyday life with restorative yoga – the soft yoga form with quiet, relaxing positions that help you relax deeply. Read more about restorative here!
Finally it's here - today Yogobe launches a new app with its service on Android and iOS. Read more about the app here!
Welcome June! Perhaps the most beautiful time of the year - but also a time that can be busy with before the upcoming summer vacation. This month we are exploring how we can balance activity with moments of mindfulness and recovery so that we can face the summer with energy.
Have you missed the opportunity to take online classes in real time with our skilled instructors in Team Yogobe? Now we are finally launching LIVE-streamed classes. Read more and sign up for the free week here!