October on Yogobe – Simplify your life!

01 October 2021 | Av

Have you also wondered how people do to get their lives together? Health, relationships, work, finances and free-time that you enjoy? During October, we have gathered wisdom and life hacks that simplify your everyday life and give you more time for what makes you feel good!

Take care of your whole being – mind, body and heart

This month, the whole of you, and your whole everyday life is in focus. Everything is connected, but of course it can be difficult to balance all parts. Maybe the realization that enough is good enough helps. But how to get there? Yogobe has enlisted the help from you, our team members and experts in various fields to crack that mystery – in a fun and wonderful way!

In the blog, you can look forward to reading tips that weave in training in an energizing way before the afternoon dip strikes. We also share tips for how children can break the increased sedentary lifestyle. You get simple, fast and healthy food, time efficiency tips, mental training to feel good in challenging moments and help for smart goals. You also get tricks on how to reduce headaches, knowledge about what trauma and PTSD are and how you can help yourself. There's an inspiring interview with Ulrica Norberg coming up and a giveaway with her latest book, Curious – awaken your inner genius! Stay updated by following us on Facebook.

New for the month is that you will also get some video interviews here in the blog! We are also looking forward to launches with Ulrica Norberg, Jenny Ström and Emma Cowan.

Life hacks – smart little tricks in everyday life

In October, you will get smart tips to simplify and streamline the areas you want. So if you love to cook, it may be quick workouts you want to start with, or you may want more effective planning for more time for meditation, or your relationships. Let's start now with some tips!

Five tips for getting your day together

  • Make a time and priority map. Write down your main categories during the week and how much time they take each day. Write down what you want more and less of and what three most important values ​​you have that you would like to spend time and energy on. Then look at which parts you can re-prioritize in time. What do you really want to spend time on, and what comes from outside?
  • Can you cut back on anything financially / reduce expenses to be able to reduce working hours if possible? Or cut back on activities you don't really want to spend time on but have a hard time saying no to – to get more time for projects you are passionate about or for recovery?
  • Schedule training and recovery time in the calendar for the coming week, so you have a plan. Does your mornings tend to be chaotic? Plan the night before, for example what to wear.
  • Take smart breaks! Getting a full hour of exercise can be difficult. So why not hit two birds with one stone - work better and get moving? We can concentrate better if we take short breaks, after 20-90 minutes of effort depending on the task, studies show. You become more alert in the head, start the circulation and if you take 5 minutes 8 times a day, you have 40 minutes of effective training in one working day! Do you want more inspiration? Check out Pausa Smart Challenge here or why not all our company plans?
  • Find your efficiency promoters! What parts can you rationalize away? Do you find it boring to cook but are really hungry? Cook a lot and freeze or find your healthy fast food. For example, collect seven simple, quick and useful recipes that you run every week. Do you want to hang out with loved ones and get exercise, move together? Can you exchange 10 minutes of scrolling for 10 minutes of yoga or meditation? Or let a quiet lunch be your mindfulness moment or meditate for ten minutes in the afternoon?

Don't forget to follow @yogobe on Instagram! There you get lots of exclusive material. In #beyoga365 on Facebook there are talks and exchanges in everything related to yoga, feel free to join and raise the questions you are thinking of, in your yoga community online!

This month's selected playlist – news for more energy and focus

  • Life force: Power from within – Life Force comes from digging deep within yourself to find what ignites your fire, what keeps you going, and what helps you create the life you really want.
  • Pilates Total – Classic pilates i a moden way, all classes are at most 30 minuter
  • Sweet morning flows – Starting the day with a nice yoga flow awakens the body and replenishes it with energy.
  • 15 minute workout – Short, effective workouts that work the whole body, which makes the heart beat.

This autumn's selected online courses in Swedish – 50% discount

Throughout the month, you can buy three of our most popular online courses for half the price! They help you with relaxation and managing stress, getting into a meditation habit or reducing headaches.

  • YOMI Yin: A course for you who experience stress and anxiety in everyday life. Yoga teachers and licensed psychologists Frida Hylander and Maria Johansson guide through lectures and yoga and mindfulness exercises.
  • Lär dig meditera: A 12-week course with Ulrica Norberg for you who want to learn to meditate or get started with a regular meditation practice.
  • Migrän- och huvudvärksskolan: Through physical exercises, lectures and video guidance, Per Söder and Yogobe guide you for 22 weeks to a life without headaches.

The offer is valid until 31/10 2021.

Don't miss our offer on annual subscription with a free yoga mat!

Take the opportunity to become an annual member or update your membership for only 1899 SEK and get Yogiraj's premium rug "Natural Studio mat" on the purchase (value 899 SEK). The autumn offer is valid until 10 October 2021 midnight. Read more here.

Read more about how you can simplify and streamline your everyday life

Short movement breaks and workouts online

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video id: 47ze

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We write, create and do our utmost to inspire and guide our readers and members to balance and sustainable health. If you have requests for more knowledge on any topic, or have other inquries, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

