Joogaa, treenaa ja meditoi kotona
Haluamme, että elät parasta mahdollista arkea, kaikissa elämän vaiheissa. Autamme sinua treenaamisen, palautumisen, joogaharjoittelun ja stressinhallinnan kanssa. Tältä sivulta löydät lisää tietoa Yogobe Playn ja onlinekurssien hinnoista.
Yogobe Playn hinnasto
- 2500+ videotallennetta
- Harjoitusohjelmia & treenihaasteita
- LIVE-striimattuja tunteja & tapahtumia
- Ei sitoutumisaikaa
- Käytä hyvinvointietusi
- Tallenna videoita offlineen sovelluksella
Kokeile ilmaiseksi 14 päivän ajan
Ilmainen kokeiluKokeile videokirjastoamme ilmaiseksi 14 päivän ajan
229SEKYour first month for 9.99 eur
Pay once every 3 months. Equivalent to 199.66 SEK/mo. Save 88 SEK
Pay once a year. Equivalent to 191.58 SEK/mo. Save 449 SEK
Are you living and working in Sweden? If so, you may have access to a wellness grant:
You can pay through a wellness portal, or via directly, via an app – and share your receipt with your employer.
Yogobe Play sisältää kaiken tämän
Lyhyt yhteenveto:
- 2500+ online tuntia ja luentoa
- LIVE-striimattuja tunteja joka viikko
- Motivaatiohaasteita
- 30+ harjoitusohjelmaa eri tarkoituksiin
- Kontakti johtaviin hyvinvointiasiantuntijoihin
- Cast to your TV & save offline via our app
Video-on demand in the library
In our library, we have 2500+ pre-recorded classes, lectures and shorter talks. We have everything to meet your individual needs: yin yoga for recovery, different workouts like pilates and strength training, exercises for sleep problems, beginner yoga or advanced yoga, mindfulness, stress management and customized content for women while being pregnant or post-natal.
LIVE-striimattuja tunteja ja tapahtumia
In addition to video on-demand classes, we also offer LIVE streamed classes and events. We have practical weekly classes that are part of Yogobe Play, but also larger free events that are open to everyone and exclusive premium events for active paying members.
Käytä hyvinvointietua
You can use your health care allowance with Yogobe. Since June 2020, the Swedish Tax Agency approves the use of the health care allowance for digital health care and exercise. You can pay via a wellness portal (Benify, Epassi, Wellnet, Edenred and Benefits), as well as via or our apps and then submit a receipt or order confirmation to your employer. Visit our wellness page here.
Looking for something else than Yogobe Play?
Customized online courses
Choose one of our 20+ stand-alone online courses when you want to dive deeper into a specific area. Unlike Yogobe PLAY which is a recurring subscription, you buy online courses as a one-time sum.
Three popular courses:
- The Art of Breathing – with Ulrica Norberg
- The Yoga Fundamentals – with Brooke Elliston
- Yoga Philosophy – with Simon Krohn
Common questions
If I pay with my health care allowance (friskvårdsbidrag), will it be an ongoing subscription?
How does it work when I already have existing access days?
Where can I check how much more access I have left?
You can always see that under your settings as logged in. Click on your profile, settings and then on Subscription/membership. There you can see your current access time and make any changes. In the app, you can see your current access time under Settings and then Membership and purchases.