Training with resistance band 

18 toukokuuta 2021 | Av

Training with resistance bands offers a fun and effective way of working out that is easy to do – at home or wherever you are. Learn more about how this form of exercise can contribute to a sustainable and injury-free body and what to keep in mind when using resistance bands.

Gentle training for both prehab and rehab

To strengthen the body with the help of resistance bands is both effective and fun and the best thing is that it is easy to do at home or wherever you are.

Resistance bands were originally used to build up and strengthen the body after an injury. If you have suffered from an injury, training with resistance bands is great for resuming your training and building up stability around the injury. The dynamic resistance makes the workout so gentle as the bands' resistance follows the muscle's strength curve and relieves your joints. It can otherwise be easy to overload which in turn contributes to wear and tear which then could lead to injuries and pain.

I would say that working out with resistance bands is fantastic for both rehab and prehab training but also as "regular" training, and I often add sequences with the bands in my own workout routine.

Benefits of training with resistance bands

When working out with resistance band, you can get a fairly versatile training as you use your whole body to adjust the strength and resistance. There is also a balancing act that makes you activate the stabilizing muscles. I get the feeling that I move from the inside out when I exercise with the resistance bands. It feels like a gift to the body.

Another advantage is that the resistance bands challenge the stability of the body in all movement planes compared to when using exercise machines. When you workout and perform exercises with the resistance bands they provide an eccentric workout, that is – the muscle is activated during its extension (when you hold the resistance) and slowly relaxes when you let go of the resistance.   

Which resistance band should I choose?

Resistance bands come in different levels of resistance - light, medium and heavy. This means that you can adapt to your own conditions and everyone can use it, regardless if you are a beginner or experienced. If you want to make it extra tough, you can use several bands at the same time or find a really good and strong band with a lot of resistance. My advice is to not buy the cheapest resistance bands, but instead spend some extra money on good-quality bands that will last a long time and can be washed in the washing machine.

Personally I use textile resistance bands that are washable. They are also softer against your skin. To be able to optimize your training, you benefit from having slightly different sizes and strengths on the resistance bands at home. Our legs often require and can handle heavier resistance and arms usually need a little less. I prefer to have thicker bands for the legs and longer and thinner for the arms. Try out and see what works for you!

It is easy to learn how to use the resistance bands and if you are used to working out, you can do most of your basic exercises that you already do with the addition of the resistance bands.

To keep in mind during resistance band training

  • Stand firmly with your feet, preferably hip-width apart.
  • Pull the navel in slightly to activate and get support from the torso.
  • Stretch your body and pull your chin in slightly so that you get a good posture.
  • Lower the shoulders.
  • Keep your wrists straight.
  • Breathe in rhythm with the movement.
  • Do somewhere between 12-20 repetitions in three sets, depending on your goals and conditions.

Let's go! / Julia

Read more about yoga, training and breathing

Videos online – training with resistance bands

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Julia Glutz

Julia Glutz är fyrbarnsmamma som har rötterna på Västkusten. Under flera år reste hon världen över och inspirerades av kulturer och möten med människor. Alltid i rörelse och alltid på väg framåt. Rörelse motiverar henne och ger henne kraft. Träningen har funnits med henne sedan barnsben och hon kombinerar nu detta med yoga och avslappning. "När jag hittade balansen föll allt liksom på plats. Nu inser jag att jag inte bara kan köra på, kroppen håller inte. Jag vill hålla, det är mitt fokus". Julia är utbildad låg- och mellanstadielärare, kostrådgivare och personlig tränare. Hon har bland annat kombinerat sena kvällar med kostrådgivning, stojiga gymplalektioner med att coacha målinriktade människor på gymmet och utomhus. Drivet har alltid varit att hjälpa och stötta, hjälpa människor att må bra, leva länge och skratta mycket. För henne är det viktigt att vi sår ett frö hos våra barn och skänker dem gåvan av att få röra på sig och glädjas i det. Följ Julia på Instagram: [@juliaglutz](
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