Yoga from a scientific perspective – for a sustainable body, mind, and community
How can yoga help us to find our way towards restful states and to move our bodies? I will tell you more about yoga’s benefits and what the research says.
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How can yoga help us to find our way towards restful states and to move our bodies? I will tell you more about yoga’s benefits and what the research says.
Is there a trick that is as effective for health as vacationing? The psychologists in an American-Dutch research team believe that meditation can be that.
Mindfulness can help you focus, feel happier and reduce your anxiety. But what does research say about mindfulness for children? And what happens when schools have mindfulness on the schedule? Read more about how mindfulness can help children and young people – while their brains grow.
Taking time alone in nature can be a great way to restore your capacity. Research shows that in times of great need for mental rest, it's helpful to find an environment that doesn’t place any demands or requires any action. Get away from movement, busyness and social interaction – and just be in nature.
With the support of yogic breathing you can make small changes that lead to big ones. One breath at a time. Learn more about how the yogic practice of pranayama can work as an alternative method to cultivate well-being!
Sara Lazar, at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, have made several studies on how meditation affects the brain. Studies show that practicing meditation not only stimulates the activity in the brain, but actually has an impact on its physical structure.
Why do some people worry more than others? What causes unease and anxiety and how do we get rid of it? Here we discuss eight new research studies on the subject.
Are you in a unstoppable spiral where the days run together? Is it difficult to find the time to live between job, commuting, pickup and leaving, leisure activities and the never-ending pile of laundry? Here we discuss the research on Downshifting – less working hours and consuming less, to get more time for other things.