
Created by Yogobe

85 min (6 Videos)

Liikkuvuutta, kehonhallintaa ja voimaa lisääviä harjoituksia aktiivisesti urheileville.

Hip Mobility Routine – hockey yoga

10 min

Quick and easy work to increase circulation and mobility around the hips.

This sequence is developed for hockey players but can be practiced by any athlete in need of working on mobility in the hip area.

Hip Mobility Routine – hockey yoga

Quick and easy work to increase circulation and mobility around the hips.

This sequence is developed for hockey players but can be practiced by any athlete in need of working on mobility in the hip area.

Hip Opener and Mobility
Yoga & move for athletes and Mobility
10 min

Hip Mobility Routine – hockey yoga

Oil up the engine for skating and transitioning in the goal crease.

10 min

Butterfly Sequence – hockey yoga

A quick routine to get the hips ready for the ice.

30 min

Goalie Core – hockey yoga

Strengthen and build a core that supports the mobility in your hips and legs without creating more tension.

10 min

Lengthen & Load bear

Hockey Yoga: Elongate and lengthen through the body.

5 min

Back, Hips & Thighs – hockey yoga

Quick and wonderful sequence to release tension in the body in the upper back, hips and thighs.

20 min

Relax & Restore – hockey yoga

Restore, relax and oxygenate for a quicker recovery.

10 min

Hip Mobility Routine – hockey yoga

Oil up the engine for skating and transitioning in the goal crease.

10 min

Butterfly Sequence – hockey yoga

A quick routine to get the hips ready for the ice.

30 min

Goalie Core – hockey yoga

Strengthen and build a core that supports the mobility in your hips and legs without creating more tension.

10 min

Lengthen & Load bear

Hockey Yoga: Elongate and lengthen through the body.

5 min

Back, Hips & Thighs – hockey yoga

Quick and wonderful sequence to release tension in the body in the upper back, hips and thighs.

20 min

Relax & Restore – hockey yoga

Restore, relax and oxygenate for a quicker recovery.