Are there any exercises that are good to practice after experiencing fatigue? You keep hearing that you should listen to your body. But how do we know WHAT we really should be listening for? I want to share with you three therapeutic principles that can help you when you practice.
How do you fill up with energy when feeling fatigued?
A client who is recuperating from fatigue asked me the question. Which exercises of the ones I recommended should she prioritize if she lacks time or energy? I tell her to listen to her body and judge herself what she needs, to be perceptive of her daily form. After considering these factors, she can decide what her body needs and what will support her system. Maybe these therapeutic principles can help you understand what you need to listen for.
Three therapeutic principles to support your energy flow
1. Open the container
If the body feels tense, stressed and trapped in any way – start by practicing yoga that makes you relax. It could be asanas that stretches, opens up and winds you down. When you have found relaxation, you have created an open container for prana to flow through.
2. Boost your energy
Are you relaxed but still feel tired? Refill your prana/energy. Prioritize practicing with a lot of pranayama, breathing exercises. The breath of fire for 11-31 minutes is amazing. Or try a sequence that gives you an energy boost when needed, to lift you out of the tiredness or resistance.
3. Aim the energy where it is needed
Are you relaxed and feel that you have prana/energy – start aiming it to the parts of the body that are in need of support. If it's fatigue you are recuperating from I recommend a session for kidneys and adrenal glands. But there are many different movements for different parts of the body, different organs, chakras and parts of the mind.
The logic is simple: If there isn't any room left, there is no space to refill with energy. If you don't have any energy, you can't aim it. Start by opening up the meridian system and relax, so that you're open to receive.
I hope this will help you in your choices of what you need when you're on the yoga mat.
Sat nam
Further reading
- Full Complete Breath technique, by Ulrica Norberg
- Managing hardship through connection, by Eleonora Ramsby Herrera
- Prāṇa - does it really exist?, by Simon Krohn
Yoga online – videos for energy and balance

Yoga with
Partner Yoga: a partner sequence to increase energy around the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Breathe with
The technology to connect to your optimal energy and potential through different breathing techniques.

Meditate with
A meditation to enhance and stabilise the Central Nervous System, with Amir Jaan.
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