Pay only 9,99 EUR for my first month*

Yogobe Challenge new

Welcome Yogobe Challenge! Get unlimited access to all challenge programs by starting a subscription from 99 SEK only*

How it works
*This price is valid for your first month only and will automatically convert to ordinary price of 22 EUR for recurring payments.

Choose one of 5 challenge programs

Vad är du i behov av?

Here is a step by step guide

1. Choose your Challenge program

Whatever your need is, we've got you covered. We are always working on adding more content.

2. Start the challenge

Find the challenge program you want to start with, activate your access* and get instant access!

*As long as you are on a premium subscription plan you have access to programs and challenges.

3. Challenge yourself

Try to take 3 classes every week for four weeks. Consistency is key!

4. Maintain the good habit!

Now that you have completed the challenge, maintain the habit by retaking it or choosing a completely new one.

Vad säger våra medlemmar?

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26 år från Göteborg

“Jag har använt Yogobe i ett par månader nu och älskar hur varierad min yogapraktik och träning blivit!”

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Susanne von Hebel
46 år från Hisings backa

“Yogobe har verkligen varit min räddning det här senaste året. Jag älskar att träna hemifrån! Det finns alltid någon ny klass att upptäcka, eller någon gammal favorit att återvända till.”

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33 år från Kungsbacka

“Det var inte förrän under min graviditet som jag hittade Yogobe. Nu kör jag ett par pass i veckan. Varvar klasser från “Mammamage” med Yoga Nidra.”

What do you get as an active member?

  • 2500 videos and audio to meet your needs
  • Save offline. Yoga and exercise anywhere, anytime
  • Unlimited access to our video library, all programs and challenges
  • Create, share and add playlists to favorites
*This price is valid for your first month only and will automatically convert to ordinary price of 22 EUR for recurring payments.