About Yogobe
”The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.”
What is Yogobe?
Yogobe is a digital destination for sustainable health and wellness – aimed at both private persons and corporations. We provide a video library with over 2500 sequences in yoga, exercise, meditation, breathwork, relaxation, physiotherapy, stress management, pre- and postnatal exercise, personal growth and much more.
In collaboration with Scandinavia’s leading teachers, instructors and experts in the field, we wish to inspire you to establish simple routines that can lead to a healthier lifestyle. We also serve as your trusted source to health trips, trainings and courses, yoga wear and equipment.
Why Yogobe is here
Many of us struggle to keep up with life's demands and experience a lack of physical exercise and poor well-being in general. Therefore we need all the support we can get.
Yogobe wants to prevent ill-being by offering services that support people’s health.
Health care at Yogobe
If your employer offers health care benefits (friskvårdsbidrag) then you can use it for Yogobe as well. We collaborate with several healthcare professionals, and our services can be deductible by printing your receipts from your purchase with us and presenting them to your employer. Since July 1st, 2020, the Swedish Tax Authorities have considered all digital online exercise and health care services in apps as tax-deductible health care. You can read more about health care at Yogobe here.
Get started with Yogobe!
Accessing our services is easy. To get started immediately you can for example:
- Choose one of our training programs with guidance and support for different interests and needs.
- Explore our playlists with classes, exercises and seminars for different needs - a perfect option to discover our diverse offerings.
Who are we?
Team Yogobe: Our team of knowledgeable experts – yoga teachers, instructors, trainers, physiotherapists and psychologists. Get to know our team here!
Yogobe Crew: Working behind the scenes at Yogobe, we coordinate, create, and distribute content based on our members' needs. You can find Yogobe Crew here!
If you have any questions or reflections, you are always welcome to contact us at [email protected].
”The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.”
What content do we offer?
Yogobe offers a wide variety of:
- Yoga & various workouts
- Meditation & breathing exercises
- Mental training & support for personal growth
- Workouts & yoga for pregnancy & new mothers
...and more.
Within our subscription service Yogobe Play we offer:
- The audio- & video library – explore 2500 classes, lectures & exercises.
- LIVE: Join a live streamed class or workshop.
- Programs & challenges – get inspired and motivated by a program or a challenge.
- Playlists – explore playlists on different themes or create your own.
What else we offer
- Community: We run open and private social media communities that make it possible for our members to communicate their questions, thoughts and suggestions with each other. Join our Facebook community here.
- Non-profit: Yogobe offers subsidized services to different groups in need to support increased well-being in our society. We collaborate with organizations such as Mecenat, Tjejzonen, and more, and we work with schools and homes for asylum seekers. Read more about our non-profit initiatives!
- Courses, trainings & events: On our marketplace, you can find a selection of high-quality courses, trainings and events. The hosts include teachers from our team, ambassadors and other partners whom we recommend. Check out Marketplace to find your upcoming course, training and event.
- Corporate collaborations: We work with corporations, hotels, yoga studios, and organizations that share our vision of spreading yoga, exercise and sustainable health. Read more about Yogobe Business here!
- Web shop: In our web shop Yogobe Store we have selected the best quality products to support your yoga and exercise routines. You can find everything from yoga mats, tights and meditation cushions to senteded candles and books. Go to Yogobe Store!